not what I was expecting, but I found that my expectation would have been dull and dry in comparison to what's there...

User Rating: 9 | The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom PC
I played the Settlers 1 on the Amiga and thought that was it!

So much time has gone by but the fun is still here...

This game has some nice innovations that make it really fun to play and I feel like alot of people might have dismissed it without giving it a real chance. I can say this because it really wasnt what I was expecting at first but I found that my expectation would have been dull and dry in comparison to what's actually in the box...As the price comes down, those of you on the fence should jump in.

You have to be fast and smart and quick to work out whatever problems you're having with your chains.

With the customization features, I was able to put a map together with NPCs for me to play against that satisfied just the kind of challenge I was looking for... Cant really comment too heavily on the multiplayer because I havent tried it yet...I wanted to whip the AI and get my strategy straight before giving it a go.

DRM is a bummer though.... Does it really keep people from pirating the game I wonder?