The Sims 3 for Wii is highly disappointing, not worth buying or playing!

User Rating: 1 | The Sims 3 WII
There are so many things wrong with The Sims 3 for Wii, it has so many bad glitches and bugs. For example: When your Sim becomes pregnant she has 3 stages (which is all fine and great) but then when she goes to the hospital to deliver, you cant tell which gender your child will be until after its born and AFTER you name it! So you may end up with a boy named Katie or a girl named Justin. It just isn't satisfactory.. and your kids don't come as infants first, they're children.
And then, you can't just build and design your own house, you have to pick a "Style" and work from there, and you can't build pool or anything of that sort.
And half of the pre-built houses that you have to choose from don't work on any of the lots, even empty ones. The really big ones don't work on any lots at all, there's always a fire violation or whatever, even on the biggest empty lots.
Another thing i don't like about the Sims is how everyone in the town eventually just dies off and then there's just tomb stones everywhere and no other living Sims besides your family.
There is one good cheat in this game that is easy to do, which is the *** Catfish Cheat. For infinite money..
This game is very disappointing and lacks all the good things the original Sims had.
The controls are very easy though, which is nice. And the graphics are alright too, but the game in general just lacks what a good Sims game needs.