Despite it's flaws (and there are some big ones) the fact this game changed peoples' lives makes it amazing.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Sims (DVD) PC
Despite it's flaws (and there are some big ones) the fact this game changed peoples' lives makes it amazing.

I knew people that literally spent every free second playing this game. Whether it was dumping hour upon hour trying to get 2 people to have sex or dumping day after day into a family and job - it was still more fun that going back to their own real lives.

The biggest problem with this game was the issue of how quickly time passed, it made sense from a building pont of view - but it was utterly stupid when you got a phone call from someone and they came over 3-4 hours later, they walked in the door you talked about a soccer ball and then they left because it was 3am and they called you at 3pm....that was not developed very well but nearly ever SIMS game was flawed by rapid time exept for simcity beause it was straight building and the time made sense.

Other than that it was fun to have your own little family and micromanage their lives - except for when you pee on the floor. This is one of those games that turned regular people into gamers and for that it desrved a lot of credit.