Portal rip off

User Rating: 5 | The Turing Test XONE

I think almost instantly I was reminded of Portal when I started playing this game. A protagonist is awakened by an AI and having to complete puzzles with a portal gun looking electronic device. Yeah, You can see the heavy influence the Portal games were on the Turning Test from the jump.

Much like Portal, The puzzles start with a nice introduction to the gameplay but there's no step up in difficulty. I rarely had issues truly being stumped by a puzzle, Most of them I was able to blaze right through. Just to emphasize more on the ripping off of Portal, They even have boxes that look like companion cubes to help you complete these levels. I mean if you are gonna rip off a game, At least try something original.

As for the story, It's slow building but is actually really interesting to sit through. The dialogue spoken throughout is very thought-provoking and actually makes you think about the conversation topics, Rather than just playing the game listening to them. It almost got to the point where I didn't want the game to end because it was so interesting.

And that brings me to another topic, The game's length. This game is gonna take you roughly 2-4 to beat. That's including beating the optional puzzles included in every level too. It's not that long of a game and that's an issue for me. If you are gonna sell at a minimum of $20, Give the players something worth playing but thankfully I got it free with gold so there was no out of pocket expense.

Overall: 5/10
The huge lack of originality killed this game for me. It was almost exactly like playing Portal but without the portals. If you wanna use a game as a template, At least be original and add something new. Don't just be a knockoff. The solid story only goes so far in my opinion.