Worth your time, TWW will, at the very least, be an enjoyable experience to try out.

User Rating: 8 | The Whispered World PC
The good

Detailed graphics
Good music
Interesting environment
Puzzles at the first 2½ chapters

The bad

No sense of urgency
Puzzles in the final 1½ chapter
World remains unexplained as a plot device
Some art suffers from prospective issues
Unsatisfying ending.


I've waited a long time for this game to come out in English, and as i played it, the same question kept coming to me. "was it worth it?". Well, to quickly answer: YES. This game has an enjoyment factor that other, more solid, well written and well thought out games, have been lacking these past few years. Even tho you don't always understand what to do, or why to do it, you keep going, because you're just enjoying the overall experience.

Going into more detail, I'd say that the game started off very interestingly. This unexplained world will start you off in the middle of nowhere, without a clear objective, a problem that happens through many parts of the game. But still, you just turn your "adventure mode" on and start picking up everything you can, talking to everyone, and slowly you figure out the purpose. You have an end purpose, and mini purposes that slow you down to get there. Just play 3 chapters of random puzzles until you get to where you need to be. The game takes place in the course of 2 days, give or take, and there's supposed to be some big attack planned for whatever reason (not really that interesting, since you don't really go deep enough into it), but even tho Sadwick is ACTING worried and in a hurry, there's no sense of urgency at all in the game. No timed puzzles (well, one), no running, screaming NPCs, just an empty world with the occasional reminder that "oh yea, the world is about to end" or "btw, there's some big attack (consisting of 2 people) coming". As you progress in the story you realize that you're never gonna get any real sort of exposition about the world the game takes place in. Now, this is somewhat explained in the end, but some might view it as a cop out.

Cutscenes are kept to a minimum at the first 3 chapters, and near the end of the game appear at almost every turn. overall, the cutscene are poorly animated, and lower resolution from the rest of the game. There's no other way to describe them except for "half assed". Animation at the game itself varies from excellent (usually on water,fumes,smoke,lighting effect, etc') to okay (walking animation severely lacks frames) to nonexistent (instead of showing Sadwick trying to open a locked door, he just stands next to it going "HHNNG"). The lipsynching is way off, which is extremely evident with one specific character.

Music is very good and atmospheric, but too repetitive. by the time you've reached chapter 3, you've heard nearly every score that the game has to offer.

Art: I'm probably the only one who's gonna complain about this aspect of the game, but I found that a lot of the scenery had major issues with prospective. There were a lot of places where something that was meant to be extremely far away looked like it's only a few steps away. (Example: the lake scenery at chapter 1, the lake seemed small and the island just a few feet away, only through Sadwicks's explanation did I learn that the lake was supposed to be huge, and the island far away). Also, lots of times the art doesn't accommodate the story (you have to get a map and a compass to get through the forest from your camp to get to the lake, but if actually LOOK at the map, you'll see that between your camp and the lake there isn't even a forest drawn.)

Puzzles were pretty okay at the beginning, but as the story progressed they became less and less logical, some even to a degree that Sadwick is solving random myst type puzzles for no apparent reason other than that they're there. And some just lack sense (you can't knock on a door, you have to have a bell to ring , or, you can't just put the missing piece on the sliding puzzle, it has to be BLUE. WHY!?)

The ending is not very satisfying, imho. What bothered me the most about it is that there isn't much foreshadowing in the rest of the game to make you think that they thought it through from the beginning. At most, only the first and last few minutes of the game will accommodate the ending, with the rest of the game being stall tactics. And that's all i can say without going into spoilers.

Overall, I've enjoyed playing the game, but as it kept going, I've lost interest in the story and just played it in order to finish what i've started. Would I recommend it? Yes, but with lowered expectations :)