It's biggest strength can be perceived as its weakness

User Rating: 7 | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC

If you are into gaming there is no way you haven't heard of the Witcher games and all the praise they have received, in particular the third installment of the saga (Wild Hunt) which pretty much devoured every single prize possible while receiving tons of love from fans.

Here's my take on the game, it came out in 2015 but I only gave it a go all these years later, my first attempt I won't lie, I gave up - with all the hype I heard and since I give a lot of importance to graphics in single player experience, I was slightly disappointed with what I was seeing... But in the game's defense I didn't have the best PC to run it in full strength so once I had the proper equipment I was then able to appreciate the game in its whole potential.
So once I got into it I can say I was for sure engaged, the world looked great, the story was compelling, a lot of areas to explore, things started to flow and I started to really appreciate it.

But then things start to change, first of all I am usually a "completionist" in open world games, at first I was excited to do this, but once we enter a new section of the world map I was quickly discouraged, not only there's an absolute insane amount of question marks, taking aside secondary missions and contracts, and the actual challenges for those question marks quickly felt repetitive and I wasn't at all interested in doing them.
The game is absolutely massive and while that has been praised has a strength, with an insane amount of terrain and of characters to know for me it had the opposite effect than it should, I wasn't feeling the eager to play it at that scale.
So I set my mind into completing the main story which I was still drawn into, but that also changed... While focusing purely on completing the main events you start to realize something: it feels like you are doing a ton amount of secondary machines within the context of the main plot - you get so deviated from whatever the main task is with ramifications of boring secondary missions (that you are forced to do for the main plot to move) that I started to also lose interest in the whole story.

I managed to end it but I felt a little bit sad because the game has indeed a lot of fantastic achievements, and not only in graphics or the actual open world and its characters, but the topics it explores and the fact that every single interaction you have sits on that grey area of morality and you have unexpected outcomes for your choices, due to the above however I cannot rate it higher, this was my experience.