Problems with bugs destroy what could be a decent game.

User Rating: 7 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 X360
Gameplay: Pretty standard Tiger controls here. Putting, as in previous Tiger games, is very easy. Your swing will be horribly affected if you miss hit a shot and the confidence system discourages taking risks as in previous games. As in previous games in the series, if you choose to make your own golfer you must earn all your attributes again. However, Tiger features a great create -a - character system and you can even download your own face to the game. The tiger challenge system is horribly flawed and actually holds back your skill progression (it takes forever to increase attributes in this game). Worse still, you cannot complete the tiger challenge system due to a game crashing bug. Despite this, the game recovers with the fun and challenging PGA Tour mode. Tiger brings the same fun golf modes as before such as battle golf or skins games. The newbie here is Bingo, Bango, Bongo. BBB is something I wish was not included and can be very frustrating.

Graphics/Sound: Nothing to write home about on the graphics front, pretty much the same as last year. The announcers are not that great (never have been spectacular) but will make you laugh from time to time.

Storyline: In tiger challenge, you are trying to beat the best golfers on tour. Other than that, you can play on the simulated PGA Tour. As far as online is concerned, it is fun, but you have to be big into online gaming.

Overall: This game should have been much better, but really feels like EA rushed it to consumers. Anytime you cannot complete a portion of a game then the game developers have failed consumers. This game is saved somewhat by PGA Tour and multiplayer (offline) modes. I traded this game in for Tiger 09 as soon as I could.

Multiplayer/Online: Tiger has always excelled at multiplayer simply because it is great fun to challenge your friends to a round of Tiger Woods golf.