User-friendly game with well-done graphics.

User Rating: 8 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 PC
Most golf games make me wonder why people would even want to play it on the computer, let alone in real life. This title is one of few exceptions. You can play as a pro or create your own character. Even when you make up your own, the skill level they give you is pretty decent-- you're not left dead in the water (no pun intended). That's a nice touch. I don't know who came up with the idea that a game has to be almost impossible to play in order to be authentic; I'm glad that stump-the-user characteristic is completely missing here.

The graphics are beautiful as well. The grass is realistic, the water shiny; makes me want to take a stroll on a real course.

When it's time to grab a club and fire away, the swing-meter is adaptable and you will be able to play from your first shot. Some games can be so technical, you start off rather clumsy until you figure out how to do your objective. Again, that's not an issue here, and big kudos from me.

Not to say that the courses will be easy. Like reality, some holes are simple while others demand more concentration. You'll need some luck and willingness to figure out the nuances of each course. But you'll have a lot of fun doing it.

This is a game for everybody.