A port with decent results.

User Rating: 7 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour PSP
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf can be almost entirely summed up my the title.

It's golf. We've played it before, but its still good fun.
There's all the RPG type elements of building your stats and you can by a lot of accessories for you character which is seeming to be par for every game nowadays. Load times are horrendous yes, but if your into golf you know how to wait. It's a solid psp game that is now cheaper because of the year 06 game coming out so if you don't have it by now PICK IT UP!

+Decent Graphics
+RPG Elements
+A few different gametypes
+You get to beat Tiger Woods
-Load times
-A "been there done that" feel
-Decently Cheap (I got my copy for $25)