Tiger 05

User Rating: 8.6 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 PS2
This was the first golf game that I have ever actually owned and spent a good amount of time playing. The last one was some game for N64 that I rented. I was definitely surprised how good this game actually was. It definitely has a good amount of downsides that can't be overlooked though. I have to bring up the camera angles. When you hit your approach and all I can see is ball and sky until a split second before it hits the green. Most of the time the cameras' fine but two or three holes a round this bs happens to me. Definitely something that needs to be worked on for the next game. The second problem I had was another thing that I thought should've been an easy touch up. The crowd... where was it? I always heard this amazing cheering coming from somewhere but I never saw a single person. Maybe I'm just expecting too much but this is also another thing that could very much help it for the years to come. Once I got past those obvious mistakes it was easy for me to get in the the flow of the game. It was almost a little too easy in the PGA Tour mode because I would just blow everyone out of the water by 40 strokes after playing for a couple days. The Legend Tour kept me busy for a while though. All and all it was a good game that is definitely gonna be one of my favorites to play with my friends for a while.