Argh...Good Idea Bad Result

User Rating: 5 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour DS
I had high hopes for Tiger Woods for the DS. I really did. I love the series on Xbox and I didn't expect it to be perfect. But I at least expected it to be playable! The instruction manual is a joke (no surprise from an EA sports title) and their is no practice mode. If you want to try out some different ideas with your swing (rhythm, speed, distance) you have to play at least 3 holes! Argh.
I knew that their won't be a in depth create a player mode, but I did expect that their would be more than a few hair styles and headgear. Argh.
I didn't think I would be able to get different types of clubs as on the consoles, but is it too much to ask to be able to chose which 14 clubs you want in your bag? Argh.
I guess the one positive is that their is finally a Tiger Woods that is challenging. Unfortunately, it is too challenging too quickly. After an over an hour of playing I got "stuck" playing the just the 5th Legend Challenge because I was a mixture to: too bad, too unlucky, and just too under skilled to beat a challenge. Now I am forced to play throwaway rounds to get some cheap cash or keep hoping that Justin Rose stops making 50 footers. Argh. And seriously, I thought this was Tiger Woods PGA Tour. What happened to the PGA season?!? I am not talking about 30+ tournaments. But please. How about a dozen to 20. Argh.
Overall. I give it an Argh. Another DS title that I get with hopes of filling some free time and I want to eject before the new game smell is gone.