If you liked last years game and you have XBOX Live this is a no brainer.

User Rating: 9.3 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 XBOX
This game is pretty much the same as last year. The big addition is online play. It is really nice. I haven't dove into the game real far yet but I have gotten about 6 hours into so far. I have sampled much of the different areas of the game. Most of it seemed a lot like last years as far as setup and game play go. There are some nice new additions though. There are several different courses from last years. The game play has changed slightly. The differences so far have been that you can change your foot placement when hitting the ball. This can affect the loft you get on a ball. When you hit the ball in the rough you can't use your spin on the next shot. Kind of sucks but it adds difficulty. When putting there is a new feature called Tiger Vision. Depending on how good your player is determines how many you get (I think that is how they determine if you get 1, 2, or 3). When you have a hard putt you press and hold your Tiger Vision button. It then shows you with a dot on the green where you need to place your putting arrow. It gives you like 10 seconds to place your arrow before it turns off. Most of the time you put your arrow in that circle you will make the putt, I have still missed using Tiger Vision. It is kind of a cheat but it is nice when you have one of those really whacked out putts. You can change you tour difficulty and what that basically does is turn off your caddy tip. You get extra money for playing this way. Prepare for a lot of 3 putts. There are legends of the game, which you play against in different scenarios, and you win coins. You use these coins for when you Tiger Proof your courses. You get to change just about everything about the course. Make the fairways wider or skinner greens bigger or smaller, bunkers deeper, rough deeper, etc. You can then make your own course and challenge people to play on your course. Online play has so far run pretty smooth. I have had a very enjoyable experience playing online. You will want to build your guys stats up before going online. The whole reason I was excited amount this year’s game was for the online play. This is what put this game way over the top for me. If you are getting this game only for offline play and you have last years TW 2004 you may not want to spend the $50. If you are a huge Tiger (the game) fan like me then it doesn't matter. There is a much more detailed game face this year. You can tweak just about everything to make your guy look just like you. To me it is cool but not much to really do with the game itself. Even though it is not marked on the back of the box, custom soundtracks are available. It is a little tricky so you will have to mess with it a little. I usually don't play music while playing golf. The biggest disappointment on this years game is they have it on XBOX Live but there is no content download. It would have been nice to have a few courses come out over the next few months. I would have paid $4.99 to get a couple extra courses. Graphics are pretty good. I think Links 2004 had very nice graphics. I think the great game play helps you over look the graphics. They are not bad just not highly detailed. Replay is high because of the online play and deep single player mode. Sound ranks high because of the custom soundtracks and the in game sounds good too. I am very satisfied with this game. Like I said I don't have a ton of hours on it but I have probably 200 hours on last years game so I know the Tiger Woods series.