For golf fans only - im not one but it only cost me 5 quid

User Rating: 6.1 | Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 GC
PGA Tour 05 will annoy you in many ways 2 of them are the fact that you have to change disc for like every match (man that sucks) and what ever you do your player will look like a dork troll thing. Anyway for a fiver i must admit its worth it.
Graphics the models are cool and the course are delightful but im downgrading for the fact that people look like ogres also i hate the fact that its like You should drive like Tiger, and use Tigervision its the only way you'll put like tiger, geez i no its his game but give the other damn golfers some credit. 8/10
Gameplay its easy but boring and its practically impossible to hit a hole in one unless you upgrade yourself to full on every stat but trust me tyou wont have this game for that long. lol. 6/10
The commentators are really dull, boring, annoying and they dont help you out at all, may aswell just mute it and put on a cd or something. But the sound of teeing off is nice and pleasent. 4/10
Value: Theres quite a few course and loads of clothes/ acessories to equip your character and theres the missions of just beating everything and maxing out your attributes.... but trust me you wont want this game that long because its not 'cool' enough, only 'ol' peeps can have this game. 8/10

I dint like this game much but i just brought it to bulk up my collection, its cost £5 in the UK and if you ask me thats worth it, but i'd say keep it if you are one of those peeps who love golf, other than that this is just a game most people would walk passed in the shops. i give it 6.1 and it truthfully gets 6.1.