TimeSplitters is an average shooter lets leave it at that!

User Rating: 6 | TimeSplitters (Platinum) PS2
Well what can i say this is the most overated shooter out there, sorry to be so blunt be it is, how can a game with 9 story levels that are painfully short possibly be getting 10 out of 10 ratings i just dont understand. If you are to buy Timesplitters buy if for multiplayer purposes only because thats your lot do not buy it if you have no friends because you will be dissapointed with the single player.

Going onto the multiplayer side of things the game is very good, yet maybe too quick for some people after all this game is madness in multiplayer there are problems though some maps are too snall for more than say 5 players and some maps are too big but the it is a laugh, the choice of weaponary is spot on with guns ranging from the 1930s to the very far future of 2160. There are some intresting multiplayer modes on offer such as capture the bag or team deathmatch.

You are going to have to complete story mode though to get the best levels because there are unlockable, once you complete story mode you will also unlock another game mode called Challange Mode which offers a range of difficult missons such as shooting off 50 zombie heads in 2 minutes bizzrre isent it.

Overall Timesplitters is just an average shooter for me that is very overated but multiplayer just about saves it.