Great fun, but not a great game

User Rating: 6.5 | TimeSplitters (Platinum) PS2
This was my first completed PS2 game, and I completed it in under 30 minutes.
The Campaign/story mode is, therefore, very very short, in fact it's only 6 completely unrelated levels were you simply run around blasting enemies, before you have to pick something up and take it somewhere else. There is no story connecting these levels, no recurring characters in fact no plot at all to this game.
That isn't to say the gameplay is not fun, in fact it was a nice change to simply run around gunning enemies for almost no apparent reason and the instant reload brought back fond memories of Goldeneye.
Once you complete the campaign, there is arcade mode and a few challenges to play which are fun but again unrelated to each other in any way.
The Graphics are not that great compared with other games I've played but are acceptable. The music is very dated by now but isn't awful.
Almost everything about this game is average, which was a bit of a disappointment to me.
I can only really recommend this game to people who like to play multiplayer, to everyone else, it will pass the time (for a short while) in a fun way but really isn't worth paying a lot of money for