I'm not even sure how Timesplitters can be considered anything more than a weak tech demo. TS is a huge waste of time.

User Rating: 2.5 | TimeSplitters (Platinum) PS2
The Timesplitters series is supposed to be a very strong FPS series that builds upon the awesomeness of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Boy does it fall very short of this goal. Timesplitters has no story, no main characters and a seemingly pointless level progression. You are a character (just freakin' pick one they are all the same) and you run through an enemy field trying to accomplish a goal. The goal consists of pick something up and taking it somewhere else, that's it. You don't have to take certain people out, you don't have to gaurd certain levels. Your goal is simple and seemingly pointless. While accomplishing this goal in each level you can't help but wonder why you are doing these things. Well, don't count on the game to tell you because its not gonna.

Think of the multiplayer part of Perfect Dark and Goldeneye, and then forget about anything else and thats what you get with Timesplitters. I know that this game came out early in the 6th generation, how are you going to build a multiplayer game for a platform with two controllers (yes it is compatible with the multi tap) when you have three other consoles either already out or coming out within a year that have 4 ports. The only thing worth playing is the multiplayer, but make sure you have some friends and a multitap because otherwise you will be bored.

The controls are ok but the auto-aim is glitchy and without a crosshair on the screen its really tough to judge where you are going to shoot. Also, the Easy mode is really easy, but the Normal mode is so hard that it is almost unplayable. This virtually castrates the entire single player campaign. After 20 attempts and no sucess on the first level of single player mode it was time for me rip Timesplitters a new one, because it wasn't anything but a giant waste of 4 dollars and a waste of 4 hours.