It's basically a revamped CoD

User Rating: 1 | Titanfall XONE

Titanfall is esentially Call of Duty with fewer guns, no single player, and the addition of mechs and a parkour-like movement style. I find it pretty ridiculous.

As a "pilot" (aka, not in a titan), it's really easy to get slaughtered by a titan, and difficult if not impossible to kill one. You also have grunts to deal with (aka, AI controlled bots), but they just get in the way, providing no challenge whatsoever (you can literally walk right up to them before they even think of shooting at you).

As a titan, which is essentially a mech from mech assault, you can't jump (say what?), but you're still overpowered compared to all the pilots running around. Fighting other titans seems rather dull. There's no strategy involved, it's simply shoot the crap out of them and hope they explode first.

There's apparently some sort of story, but it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense, and it plays through in the multiplayer 'campaign'.

All I can inevitably say is, I'm glad I rented this. If I had paid money for it, I'd be pretty annoyed. I'd rather play CoD, and that's saying something.