Needs ranked lobby and single player game.

User Rating: 7 | Titanfall PC

I downloaded the free 48 hour version , was easy to install and had no driver issues. The game looks great and plays well on my GTX 650ti . The game has a brief tutorial that just shows you the very basic controls and some skills like running on walls , jumping platforms etc , which really isn't enough. Next thing , you'll be in a lobby with random players , as they can veteran pros or newbies. As a newbie who knows nothing about completing objectives or familiar with maps , I was a easy kill for my veteran opponents , best strategy was to stick close to my team members and watch what they do to pick up some battlefield skills.

Pros. Look good. plays well.

Cons. Needs single player game or play against bots to skill up new player.

Game needs a ranked lobby so you don't have pros against newbies or reduce score or weapon bonuses off pro players who play against low ranked players.

Smart pistol is over powerful especially when fully leveled up.

Online game would drop out after 2-4 games.
