Wow! a game you can control with your voice? You have to be kidding?

User Rating: 6 | Tom Clancy's EndWar X360
Well originally i bought this game to make up a trade in Gamestation. I thought well GRAW 2 wasn't horribly bad this should be okay. I got it home and after zapping aliens and zombie like creatures on PREY and BioShock, i figured i might as well give it a go. Now then, i only played it for about 20 minutes or so, but the first impression was okay i get this, i command units using voice recognition pretty cool for a game. However after this 20 or so miutes i discovered that most of the missions are very similar in that i have to tell tanks, infantry and attack choppers to kill the enemy. Sorry but other than the occasional button press and the whole "Unit one attack Hostile Three" I was sat there doing nothing. I became very bored of the game. Seriously, its a game that requires minimum effort to play with a not great story line.

Also anyone else in your house or flat now things your mental for talking to a computer game.

I have mixed feelings about this game, it could have been so great if they had made it like GRAW 2 but from this commander angle, the game is well not great.

If you want to run around obliterating things with machine guns, RPG's and hand held grenades, go for something like Modern Warfare 2. Although the intial thought of the game was like, "cool i can control the whole thing with my voice" it gets very old very fast.