As some of you may have said that this tony hawk wasn't good enough, idk but i would have to give it alot of credit.

User Rating: 9 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 X360
Now i know some of you have said "this could have been better", well ill just say "It was better". I remember when the first tony hawk came out. It was on the N64 and i was excited to play it. That was when i got hooked. I use to play the Tony Hawk games day in and day out. I would play them until my fingers got blisters from the controller. But away from that. As the years went on, Tony hawk games got better and better. Better Characters, better boards, better levels, better ways to customize a skater and skate park, and it goes on. Now when i first started Playing Tony Hawk's Project 8, i was getting alittle pissed off. I had no clue what to do and it seemed impossible to even play the game. But i played enough of it and i was soon hooked to it ( well i was the same way with guitar hero). But i really wish you people would give this game some credit. It was probably the best tony hawk game at the time. But now we have all this fancy **** and games are played differently. I remember when all it was, was just the basics of A and B. Now we have this X,Z,L1,L2, etc. Games have changed so much and there gonna keep on changing, even if we like it or not. Damnit i got off subject again. Ok, now back to tony hawk. Anyway, even when tony hawks american wasteland came out, it was the most popular tony hawk game that was made at that time. Then when Project 8 came out, it did even better than American wasteland. But now we have tony hawk Ride, which doesnt even require a wired controller. It's now a hoverboard that you use to do the tricks. But really I would have to give this game a crap load of credit and id rate it 4/5 and 9/10 thank you