This is game is totally underrated, I hope it gets the popularity it deserves

User Rating: 10 | Transformers: War for Cybertron X360
When you hear about some franchises attempting to make a game, you know in your heart that you are in for a terrible game. In this case, Transformers, you start to think the same thing as there have never really been a good transformers game that stood out among with the top contenders like Gears of War, Halo, MGS etc. So naturally, you start to think "ahh, another load of junk to add to the pile".

HOWEVER, this is a big HOWEVER... after playing this game you will realise that you should never trust your own judgement on game title names again. Transformers: War for Cybertron is absolutely amazing in everyway.

When I first played this game, I felt the 'pick up and go' factor like on halo and gears of war. And it reminded me more like gears of war due to the 3rd person view. It has all the basic elements an online shooter should have including a wide variety of rifles, shotguns, snipers, grenades and melee weapons. All of these work lovely and looks great on screen.

The game also features unlockable attributes to equip your character to with online so you can battle you want (e.g. ammo carrier, or accurate sharpshooter). I feel the game has alot of lastability as you can level your characters online and even customize your own transformer, how cool is that!

But this game has one thing that seperates it from the likes of other online multiplayers. You can TRANSFORM. So, go buy this game and ROLL OUT!