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User Rating: 8.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron PS3
To get it out of the way, this has been one of the worst reviews given to a game. Not that it was badly written or anything of that sort. But it gives out the impression that whomever did the review, either was not a fan of transformers or hated the transformers. This game is NOT a 6.5, not yesterday, nor today or tomorrow, and quite frankly not ever!

This game adds a really interesting approach to the Transformers franchise, and works really well for a game that's based on a TV program (you know how delightful and fun are those movie and TV tie-in games are!).

Let's start with the graphics! Really good! no clipping or glitches. Really cool the fact that you can jump and on mid-air, do a transformation...it really remainds me of the comic strip, and never get tired of it. So godd graphics cool!

Gameplay is O.K. the controls at the beginnning are little tedious, but you will get the hang of it as you go along. Only complaint will be a cover system, as there is none. And the weapons. Usually when you launch a missile the results are devastating and your grin due to the powerfull it is to blow stuff up. But on Cybertron, missiles feel more like toohpicks. But if you take a Sniper rifle, the dudes drop if you were hitting them with a bazooka. Odd to say the least, but no mayor complaint, since i love to use the sniper rifle!
The good side of the gameplay, the transformations never get old and the firefights are REALLY intense! Boss battles are cool, the only bad thing is the autobots really got it hard. Decepticons boss battles are tough, but the Autobots boss battles are tougher...guess that's the price of freedom!

Controls are responsive so no complaint here...

Sound is really good...specially when you transform!! woauuuwoauuwaoouu! love that! If you are a fan, you will definitely stop in corners and transform and untransform like dozenn of times just to hear that! The voices are there also. Soundwave is the best man!

Story is the backbone of the game...you can choose and do both at the same time really, which was great, you can be decepticon or autobot, and both stories tie-up nicely. I will not say anything of the story to avoid spoilers, but i must say it's one of the best franchise tie ins...The Warriors game in the PS2 by Rockstar IMHO is the number 1, but Transformers WC is 2nd by this close. Really well done.

Replay value...online is playable and will find lots of fun things to do, while the single play experience is a blast. If you are a trophy hunter, this game has quite a few that might take your time.

Overall, i CANNOT believe GS gave this game an 6.5! this has got to be one of the best franchise tie-in games out there. FAN or NOT, anybody who enjoys a third person shooter will find this game 100% fun. You can choose to be either bad or nice guy, whenever you feel like it, and both stories interact well through out the whole game. Transformations are awesome, fire fights are intense and the boss fights present a challenge from time to time...what else do you need?

Buy or rent this one, it's definitely a win-win situation whichever route you choose.