Did you know you could go to jail for imposonating a doctor??? (good thing were surgeons...)

User Rating: 9.5 | Trauma Center: Second Opinion WII
This game is simply outstanding! Revolving around a great storyline, you make your way up as you take tasks which get harder and harder... Many features of this game improve upon the gameplay itself when compared to its original for the ds. If you are unfamiliar with the series, stitching, pulsing, spraying, and disinfecting are few of many things that you will be doing throughout the game... Characters play a good role in the game, most of the time you'll be playing as only one of them but when you become more familiar you will have a chance to play as others... Under the knife is an excellent sequel and should be in any wii owner's library! With the power to change difficulties, newcomers can roam free... I highly recommend this game and if you get it you'll know why...