Trauma Center second opinion is one of a kind! I have never seen anything like it. Now surgery is fun...

User Rating: 8.5 | Trauma Center: Second Opinion WII
Trauma Center Second Opinion for wii is a game that is the fist of it's kind. (The DS version doesn't count) I have compared DS to WII versions of this game and Wii version dominates. Trauma center is a surgery game. and what you do in the game... well thats self explanitory. Using the Wii remote has never been so fun. In this game you have contol over a lot of things. And the best part is... The Controls Are Always COOPERTIVe and responsive! Most games the motion contols screw up, but not in this. The story is really good and deep, and the drawings and SFX are really good, but sometimes repetitive.

However the game tends to be kind of repetitive in the beginning, but when you get into the game it gets a bit better. the game is a bit on the shorter side of games. Sometimes hard missions are so hard they will make you want to kill kittens. But it is the kind of hard where you know what to do, you just can't do it without killing the dude your operating on. The music is 3 beats and repeats itself, but you dont even notice the music when doctors are screamin' at you and your operating on someone you don't know.

Overall, if you want a new, fun, and fresh Wii game. This is the game for you!