UFC Undisputed 2009...Finally a UFC game that packs a punch.

User Rating: 7 | UFC Undisputed 2009 X360
Audio: 8/10
Great commentary by Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan, Solid sound effects, and a solid soundtrack to listen too.

Visuals: 8/10
The visuals are good and feature a solid likeness to the character but they arent as sharp or as well done as I hoped they would be.

Playability: 7/10
Most of the combat system is simple and easy to use however the biggest draw back on the game is the extremely hard submission system, The submission system alone severly hurts the playability of the game.

Delivery: 6/10
A boring and repetative campaign that fails to entertain, Classic fights mode is boring and the rewards are highly disapointing, and online play is shallow and full of lag. The game ,however, is highly entertaining though.

Achievements: 6/10
A lot of grinders in this list that require you to put a ton of effort into the game and they do require a descent amount of skills as well.

Overall: 7/10
Compared to other UFC games its a huge step forward but compared to other fighting games, This game is huge disapointment. However there is a ton of potential here to make a great series.