Would've given a 7 if it weren't for the recent patch that fixed lag and quitting problems. But defects are still there

User Rating: 8 | UFC Undisputed 2009 PS3
UFC: Undisputed earns its label of "Highly Addictive" when you step foot in its online. Nothing will keep you away from that mode, you'll just want to keep on gaming and getting better, HIGHLY addictive, you'll be waking up early to play a little of it before going to work/school and go straight to it when you get back, it's just that addictive. Unfortunately, before the recent patch, well deserved wins would be destroyed by your opponents easy way out of a loss, quitting. Yes, people care that much about their MMA record in the UFC game that they switch off their ps3 right before the match results are saved, leaving you frustrated and lacking what you deserves. It's all fixed now supposedly, can't check since I don't have online in my ps3 atm but that's what THQ said.

The career mode is very disappointing, it is unfair, it is very awkward to go through the menus, it is confusing the first time too.

The commentators are gold, you'll find yourself listening to what their saying and they're bound to say something you don't know about a fighter at some point/s.

The controls are a bit more complicated than you'd think though nothing special, you'll get used to them in a while and you'l know what you need to master and how... though there are things like submissions and ground games that even though you'll become good at someday, you'll always find someone who is better and will get the best of you with them. You'll find yourself strategizing a lot too especially when it comes to online vs.

The offline VS is just the way you'd expect it to be and the exhibition gets boring quickly.

All in all, UFC:Undisputed 2009 could've been better but it'll still satisfy the needs of any MMA/UFC fan through its addictive online.