great game

User Rating: 9.5 | UFC Undisputed 2009 X360
this is all it was made to be. but there are problems like the huge problem is no legend including randy couture.another one is not many fighters and the carrear mode takes forever just to fight.but there is a bunch of great stuff like flash knock outs and unlike fight night u just dont just keep hitting the opponet u have to plan it. there are 3 fighting styles for stand up and 3 for the ground each with their own speceal move all in all its a great game its worth every penny but remember if u are not a big fan of mma dont get it but if u do it has a great speed and awsome graphics. and the other great thing is all the fighters have their fighting style so baisicly rampage jackson will not be head kicking so it true to life wich could be a bad thing and a good thing at times