Super Street Fighter 4, first time for the pc.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition PC
This game has got all the features that I wanted. It's just simply a perfect arcade fighting game with multiplayer online play ability. Since this game is coming to the pc for first time, I'm excited to see this game. I have played Street Fighter 4 pc and playing it till now, I enjoy it playing with my friend with 2-player versus mode or play it online multiplayer with other online fighters. SF4 was able to stand a chance on pc although arcade games are not often played on pc.I just want to say thank to Capcom and Games for Windows Live for this wonderful piece of entertainment and I wish SSF4AE good luck for its release and hit the pc and other consoles more effectively. I am eager to see all the new fighters and multiplayer tweaks coming to the pc for the first time in Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition pc.