Although the graphics and sound are not the greatest this game is immensly fun to play and keeps you interested greatly.

User Rating: 7.5 | Urban Assault PC
Urban Assault is a strategy game that can also be played as a first player game. You play as a sorteve cyborg human that is put into a floating fortress powered by the planets energy, these are called host stations. Your mission is to save planets earth from the following races along with the reason they want to destroy humanity... (spelling may be incorrect)

-Taertastic [human] angry because we destroyed the enviorment
-Gorkovs [human] unknown
-Black Sect [pirates] probaly just to create chaos
-Miakonions [alien] needs energy form the earth's core
-Sulgergar [bionic alien] trying to turn planet into spawning grounds

Overall the graphics are not too good and the sound is quite weak but the game is highly addictive because your economy is simply building power station and capturing sectors on the map so mainly the game is just all out war!!! The game also doesn't get boring because the outcome of the matches changes everytime. Also there are probaly over 30 lvls and the range of vehicles is great that range form weasels that are pointless unless in great numbers to rhinos that can destroy a host station in a few shots. There are also upgrades through out the game that give you a reason to play all levels even the ones you hate.

The online is quite pointless because nobody ever is on unless you plan a match with your freinds.

I suggest you try the demo first if you are thinking of getting this game. They are probaly not for sale now but i saw 4 for sale at and don't ask me for mine because I just found out mine snapped in half. So think about the game you probaly will really like it.

PS a cheat to get into an enemy host station is hold F5 while your in your host station (i think it is F5 but if not which ever button makes you switch turret positions) right before your host station dies and you will swith into another enemy host station. This may take a few tries. It is kinda cool but this was the first cheat i ever found out on my own without finding it on a website.