A history class worth taking

User Rating: 8 | Valiant Hearts: The Great War PS4

It's 1913, Archduke Franz Ferdinand has been assassinated, causing a domino effect which would lead up to the First World War. As the war progresses, you play as a variety of characters, ranging from a medic to a dog, each controlling somewhat differently. Picture a class system in an RPG but not as in depth.


  • Art Style - simple yet unique, adding to its overall charm.
  • Journal entries - allow us to see the emotional development of each character
  • Item and location descriptions - give us plenty of information and insight into what transpired.


  • Controls - they can get a little getting used to. The only real issue I had was trying to navigate Emile while digging/avoiding missiles.

From its charming art style to the characters you meet along the way Valiant Hearts is a must play and a wonderful history lesson. And quite frankly, it's more enjoyable than their most recent Assassin's Creed titles.