Blast of a game that keeps the player going 0 to 100 nonstop, while continuing to be entertaining at the same time.

User Rating: 9.5 | Vanquish PS3
When most shooters now a days make a habit of throwing the same old thing at players over and over again with a little tweaking here and there Vanquish comes at the genre with a whole new direction. It's fast paced, high octane drive will keep you excited even through the far and few between cutscenes. Its strikingly japanese flavor will leave you in awe of the scenery and gameplay. While a full run through of that main storyline might not take that long one couldnt help but be comeplled to try a more difficult or even easier setting just to keep the action going. The game itself is a little on the hard/frustrating side and more than a few time one will play the same scene over again untill the way to beat the level/boss but this will come as a good thing with so many FPS having such easy gameplay it only takes just a few deaths to beat the entire game. The story line could have been better and online play would have be alot of fun but all in all Vanquish is must have game that will not disappoint.