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Alan Wake 2 Devs Calm Gameplay Fears | GameSpot News

In today’s GameSpot News, Persia talks about the Alan Wake II devs calming some gameplay fears, Halo Infinite speedrunners are already breaking the game, and more.

Remedy boss Sam Lake confirmed on Twitter that the sequel will still be a third-person game, amid questions about whether the series might make a change akin to Resident Evil 7 and Village and their first-person perspective. Alan Wake II will, however, skew more towards traditional survival-horror, a twist on the original's more psychological horror focus.

Later in the video, Persia talks about Halo content creator Mint Blitz who shows how a new speedrunning trick is done, in which he credits the discovery of the skip to members of the Haloruns speedrunning community. What's notable about the skip is that it doesn't seem all that difficult to accomplish and lets you jump from the Excavation Site to the second to last mission of the campaign. Link to the full video here:

Lastly, Persia goes over the new games that come to Xbox Game Pass for December. These games include Mortal Kombat 11, The Gunk, Broken Age, and more starting December 16th. Game Pass users will also be able to play DLC and game updates for Ark: Survival Evolved, Minecraft Dungeons, and The Elder Scrolls Online.

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