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Apex Legends Rampart Guide: Abilities And How To Use The New Legend

After spending time with Apex Legends Season 6, we break down the new legend, Rampart, providing crucial tips on how to master her abilities.

Season 6: Boosted adds Rampart to Apex Legends. The new defense-focused legend is all about creating choke points and deterring enemy squads from getting too close. She's not terribly difficult to figure out, but we've put together some tips and tricks if you're struggling to use her abilities effectively.

In the video above, Max Blumenthal and Jordan Ramée discuss Rampart's three abilities (Amped Cover, Modded Loader, and Emplaced Minigun "Sheila"), and point out which enemy counters she has to watch out for and which legends she can easily pair up with to buff her squad as a whole.

Rampart isn't the ideal character for players looking to rush into the next fight. Her tactical and ultimate abilities can prove to be devastatingly strong but only if Rampart has the time to set both of them up. So instead of running towards gunfire, you want to find a nice chokepoint to prepare your defenses and let the enemy come to you. Pair a Rampart with a Wattson and you can shut down entire rotation lanes.

Season 6: Boosted makes several changes to Apex Legends, such as implementing a new battle pass, adding new landmarks to World's Edge, and adjusting the loot pool. The new season adds a fan-favorite Titanfall 2 firearm to Apex Legends as well, an energy-ammo using SMG called the Volt.