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Borderlands 3 Fl4k New Trapper Skill Tree Gameplay

The vault hunters of Borderlands 3 are getting more skills in the next update, and we've got gameplay of Fl4k's new trappers abilities and their new pet robot.

On November 10, Borderlands 3 will see the beginning of its Year 2 content with the Designer's Cut update. One of the big highlights for this new content drop are the new skill trees for each of the vault hunters, allowing them to use additional action skills and buffs to alter their playstyles even more. GameSpot had the chance to get some early hands-on time with the Designer's Cut, and we spent some time experimenting with the new builds for the vault hunters.

In this video, we have some gameplay of the Fl4k's new crowd control skills, along with their new pet--an upgraded Hyperion bot that has a unique arsenal of guns of its own. In the new Trapper skill tree, Fl4k's skills can be modified to focus more on containing and neutralizing crowds of enemies. The latest action skill that Fl4k can use is called the Gravity Snare, an anti-gravity trap that stuns and immobilizes enemies that get caught within its reach. Playing into their hunter background, the Gravity Snare is a great skill to temporarily control the field and take down some of the pesky foes, opening them up to attacks. Depending on how you flesh out Fl4k's skill tree, you can also upgrade your trap to have a greater reach and also give your pet and bodyguard more defensive and offensive skills of their own.

In addition to Fl4k's new skill tree, we've also got gameplay for Amara's new Phaseflare ability, which allows her to summon a giant orb of energy that can be knocked into foes. We'll have more info on the other vault hunters coming later, so be sure to check back with GameSpot for more information on what's to come with the Designer's Cut update, along with some upcoming details on what the new Arms Race mode is all about.