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BOTW - How To Make Overpowered Weapons

Weapon Modifier Corruption has changed the landscape of Breath of the Wild, and has given players (With the patience to do it) a way to forge their own powerful and broken weapons however they want.

This is not mod, this can be done on any Nintendo Switch. So today, I’ll teach you the simplest way to pull this off yourself, and more importantly, why this works, because the technical magic behind this is absurd.

Weapon Modifier Corruption was first discovered by Kinak on July 9th 2022, using offset slots to push CookData properties onto weapons. Players then found that combinations of meals and ingredients unlocks custom modifiers with the use of binary numbers. Once this complex work is done, this makes your weapon unbelievably overpowered, and opens new doors for taking on Breath of the Wild’s toughest enemies.