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Busting Out The Beard And Belly In Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dirty Arty: Chapter 2

In Red Dead Redemption 2, we guzzle down hair tonics and alligator meat on our quest to push Arthur's beard and physique to the extreme. Check out our results in Dirty Arty: Chapter 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has quite a bit of micromanagement when it comes to protagonist Arthur Morgan. To maintain his appearance, you'll need to shave, get haircuts, eat healthy, regularly exercise, and bathe. Forgetting to do any of this can lead to drastic changes in Arthur's appearance, and sometimes other characters won't take too kindly to the look or smell of his new appearance.

Knowing full well that Arthur's friends will avoid him if he stinks or comment on his appearance if he's growing fat, what would happen if you decided to allow RDR2's hero to completely let himself go? Video producers Rob Handlery and Jake Dekker are eager to find out in GameSpot's new weekly RDR2 series, Dirty Arty. In the video above, you can watch part two.

In part one, Rob and Jake started their journey to make Arthur as disgusting as possible by setting some ground rules. For one, any food Arthur finds goes into his belly immediately, no exceptions. Arthur also won't bathe and will use oils to ensure his beard and hair grow out as long as possible. Anyone Arthur comes across gets an insult thrown their way or a bullet lodged into their skull as well. Dirty Arty is a scumbag after all. Now that they have all the pieces to begin Arthur's transformation, Rob and Jake spend part two looking to complete the perfect outfit for Arthur's new slob-like lifestyle.

In our Red Dead Redemption 2 review, Kallie Plagge gave the game a 9/10, writing, "While Red Dead Redemption was mostly focused on John Marston's story, Red Dead 2 is about the entire Van der Linde gang--as a community, as an idea, and as the death rattle of the Wild West. It is about Arthur, too, but as the lens through which you view the gang, his very personal, very messy story supports a larger tale. Some frustrating systems and a predictable mission structure end up serving that story well, though it does take patience to get through them and understand why."

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for Xbox One and PS4.

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