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Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Xur Location April 1, 2022

Find out what Xur is selling today April 1st in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen.

Head to Nessus to find Xur this week. Xur is selling the Exotic shotgun Tractor Cannon. Hunters can pick up the exotic Oathkeeper gauntlets, Titans can attain the Helm of Saint-14 helmet, and for Warlocks are able to buy Contraverse Hold gauntlets.

Xur's armor offerings are bugged once again with very low stats. The only exception would be to fill out your Exotic collection with items you don't already have. Bungie noted in their most recent blog post that it's aware of the issue with Xur's armor inventory. But this week's inventory demonstrates the fix is not yet in place.

Hawkmoon's roll this week is very unappealing, with Hip-Fire Grip, which doesn't really play to Hawkmoon's strengths, so you can skip this one. Dead Man's Tale on the other hand will be good in both PvE and PvP thanks to Subsistence, which is a fun perk to use on this gun in both scenarios. Kills reward you with ammo, allowing you to keep firing, and especially at long ranges, it can make you extremely deadly with Dead Man's Tale while your opponents scramble to try to deal with you.

All of Xur's legendary weapons can be decent in the right scenarios, including assault rifle Gnawing Hunger and submachine gun Death Adder. If you like the Wishbringer shotgun, this Slideshot and Snapshot Sights with a Range Masterwork is solid for the PvP. You might also want to grab The Swarm, a machine gun that's usually only available as a Nightfall reward.