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GameSpot's Top 10 TV Shows Of 2020

There were plenty of excellent TV shows to watch while we were stuck at home this year. Here are our picks for the 10 best shows of 2020.

For many of us, TV was one of 2020's biggest saving graces. Everything from endless rewatches of our favorite streaming comfort TV shows to the new and exciting debuts we could catch up with week-to-week, having something to watch from the comfort of our homes made quarantine a little less challenging, and thankfully, there was plenty to go around, no matter what genre or vibe you might be into.

The first 9 shows listed here are unranked, and available to watch now--from the existential sci-fi drama of FX on Hulu's Devs to the go-for-broke sports docu-series that was ESPN's The Last Dance to the insanity of Amazon Prime Video's The Boys Season 2. There's something here for everyone. To find out why we chose them, read our gallery on GameSpot:

Our award for the best TV show of 2020 went to a comedy that served as the perfect escape from this year. It made us laugh nonstop, it constantly surprised us, and it managed to take a stellar first season and actually improve on it to create a more interesting world. Find out the winner of our top prize in the video above!