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Giving Fallout 4 A Second Chance

With the announcement of Fallout 76, Mike Mahardy returns to 2015's Fallout 4 to spend more time in post-apocalyptic Massachusetts.

Three years ago, Bethesda Game Studios released Fallout 4, the next in its series of post-apocalyptic sandboxes. Despite being a self-described Fallout fanatic, Mike Mahardy only sank 20 hours into the game before moving on. So, with the recent reveal of Fallout 76, he vowed to give Fallout 4 a second chance.

In the video above, Mike explores the various ways Fallout 4 originally pushed him away, and the various things he has grown to love about it. He also examines how Fallout 4 serves as a link in the series' evolution, and the role it plays in Bethesda's future.

For more on Fallout, you can catch up on our Fallout 76 coverage from E3 2018, including our coverage of Bethesda's stage show, and our in-depth interview with creative director Todd Howard.