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Pokemon Let's Go Vs. Traditional Pokemon Games | Versus

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee are out now on Nintendo Switch, but do their changes improve the Pokemon formula? Find out our thoughts in this week's episode of Versus.

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee are already proving popular with both critics and audiences alike. The new games make a few changes to the familiar Pokemon formula by adding in elements from 2016's summer hit, Pokemon Go.

Catching Pokemon in Let's Go works much the same as it does in Niantic's mobile game, for example. You no longer need to whittle down a wild creature's health before attempting to catch it; instead, you simply throw a Poke Ball at it like you would in Pokemon Go. On the other hand, battling trainer Pokemon hasn't changed from the most recent mainline Pokemon games, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

Take a look at the video above to see our thoughts on whether the changes Let's Go makes improve the Pokemon formula, or if we'd rather things had never changed. Of course, Let's Go is a remake of sorts of 1999’s Pokemon Yellow. We've previously chatted about whether we prefer Pokemon back then or Pokemon now, so watch that video to see us argue to the death*.

*We didn't actually fight to the death. We just fainted.

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