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Superman & Lois: Who is Captain Luthor?

Who is Captain Luthor in The CW's Superman & Lois? Here's a breakdown of Lex Luthor’s comics history and the best fan theories surrounding Captain Luthor’s true identity.

After five episodes of Superman & Lois, audiences are still left guessing to who Captain Luthor (portrayed by Wolé Parks) could be. We don’t know his first name, and only got a tiny glimpse into his past life through Luthor’s dialogue. We also know he’s a Luthor from a parallel Earth, and somehow managed to hitch a ride to this universe during the events of the game changing Crisis on Infinite Earths.

In this video, Greg dives into the burning questions (Who is this guy? Is he just another variant of Lex, or Alexander Luthor? Maybe Lex Luthor's son?) looks at a few of the biggest theories as to who this version of Superman’s archenemy might be.