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What To Watch For Twin Peaks Fans, Best Stephen King Adaptations | You Should Be Watching

Chastity, Ryan, and Greg are joined by Ryan Schubert to recommend the best TV shows and movies for Twin Peaks fans, discuss their thoughts on HBO's The Outsider, and list the best Stephen King adaptations.

10:13 Ugly Delicious Season 2

13:22 Devs

15:40 Better Call Saul

18:50 The Good Place Series Finale

20:55 Best shows and movies for Twin Peaks fans

38:38 What we thought of HBO’s The Outsider

42:17 The Best Stephen King Adaptations

You Should Be Watching... is a weekly podcast where we recommend and discuss TV shows and movies, old and new. This week, Chastity recommends The Good Place (NBC), Ryan recommends Ugly Delicious (Netflix), Greg recommends Devs (Hulu), and Schubert recommends Better Call Saul (AMC).

We recommend what other shows and movies to watch if you liked Twin Peaks, discuss what we thought of HBO's The Outsider season 1, and decide what we each think is the best Stephen King adaptation, from The Shining to Misery and more.

Tell us what kind of TV and movie recommendations you're looking for - whether you’re trying to find a good 90s horror movie or a new comedy or anything else.

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