Viewtiful Joe 2 adds to what made the first game good, without overdoing it or changing it dramatically.

User Rating: 8.5 | Viewtiful Joe 2 PS2
Viewtiful Joe 2 is the second installment in the Viewtiful Joe series, and it certainly takes what makes the first game good and
adds an extra punch of greatness. If you loved the first game, you'll enjoy this game.

The game starts out where the first one left off -- Joe has defeated the final boss and freed Captain Blue of his dark side, reuniting him with his daughter Silvia, who had been kidnapped during the previous game. But this time, Silvia decides she's sick of being the damsel in distress and asks her father for a V-Watch just like Joe's. He agrees and now Silvia joins Joe in his endeavour to stop evil from taking over the world for the second time, this time they have a brand-new enemy to go after, though: the Black Emperor. The Black Emperor is after the 7 Rainbow Oscars, so now it's up to Joe and Silvia to go through the various films, collecting them and preventing the Gedow from completing their dark plan. Who is the Black Emperor and why is he after the Oscars? You'll have to play to find out!

Viewtiful Joe 2 plays much like the first game did, with the same controls, even with the new attacks you gain with Silvia, everything flows together very nicely so you're not left going "Huh?" at the controls. The only major difference in gameplay is the fact that you can now switch between Joe and Silvia, which is what you'll be doing when it come to certain puzzles in the game and perhaps when you want to fight a boss with Silvia. The controls you use for attacks when playing Joe work the same when it comes to Silvia, minus the fact that she moves a bit different, of course. Other than that, controls are fine.

In terms of gameplay and difficulty, Viewtiful Joe 2 is pretty balanced when it comes to levels and bosses: Enemies and bosses start out easy and as you progress, they obviously get harder. Depending on what difficulty you're playing the game on depends on how hard or easy enemies and bosses will be during your game, of course, but either mode should be pretty comfortable to play either way.

The addition to Silvia in the game now adds a refreshing and fun change of pace when you don't feel like fending enemies off with just Joe, as Silvia can use her guns and eventually upgrade them with "Desperado", a skill that has 3 levels, much like Joe's "Mach Speed." which allows her to lock onto multiple enemies. Other than that, it will be like playing the first game but with added features.

In the end, the only minor issues you may encounter in Viewtiful Joe 2 is that some puzzles can be time consuming, only because they require patience and skill in using the various skills in-game. If you can look past that, Viewtiful Joe 2 is a fun game that moves at a quick pace and isn't too long, much like the original. If you can find it, and you enjoyed the original, Viewtiful Joe 2 is the game for you.