Short but enjoyable

User Rating: 8 | Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, Episode 2: The Last Resort PC
Wallace and Gromit decide to go on a vacation to a seaside resort but rainy weather ruins their plans. After a flooding in their cellar, they decide to convert the cellar(or rather, the whole house) into an indoor holiday resort.
The game introduces memorable characters and needless to say, the voice acting is wonderful. The story is told in a quite an exciting way and it's quite impossible to get bored.

The gameplay is simple. You get to play as both Wallace and Gromit depending on the situation.
You move them around with WASD and interact with people and objects by clicking on them. You can also pick objects up and carry them around in your inventory for further use.
The game even has a tutorial which explains how the game works.

The game was short but in this case, short means gripping. The puzzles were easy, making the game suitable for kids. On the other hand, terribly clever puzzles would have killed the ā€˛right" Wallace & Gromit atmosphere.

The game was very enjoyable overall and most importantly, fun. If you enjoy Wallace & Gromit, you'll definitely enjoy The Last Resort!