Although short, Muzzled is maybe the most fun episode of the Wallace and Gromit adventure series so far.

User Rating: 8.5 | Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, Episode 3: Muzzled! PC
I'm sad to say that having finished Muzzled, I'm now 3/4 of the way through the W&G adventures. Still, it's been an increasingly fun ride.

Episode 1 was good, but seemed a little flat humor-wise.
Episode 2 had better humor, and felt a little "looser" and more fun.

Episode 3, Muzzled, for me was easily the most entertaining as far as characters, story, and general "feel". It felt the most like the W&G animated shorts, and I can't help but feel the game is hitting its stride right at the end. The good:
+ Best humor of the series so far
+ Some new locales that weren't in the first two games
+ The game shortcuts tedious "walking only" backtracking by expediting your travels (e.g. going straight from town into Wallace's house, without traversing the three intermediate screens)
+ Tons of great voice acting, clever animations, and some really geat new characters

The bad:
+ Very short -- even with fumbling on a few puzzles, I finished this episode in just over 3 hours.
+ Aside from one or two, I felt the puzzles were too straight-forward to solve, so it seemed very easy

Overall, if you liked the first two adventures or are a W&G fan, you should definitely get this episode, despite it's short play time.