Take DOW2 add morality, a new character, and you have a fun recipe. Too short though.

User Rating: 8.5 | Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising PC
After thoroughly enjoying DOW2, I could not wait to get into this game. The idea of adding morality to the RTS genre I thought was very innovative.

* you choose your own moral destiny. Whether you choose pure or corrupt, going hard over in either direction takes some real planning and effort.
* More of the same in DOW2 and that's a great thing! I really enjoyed "leveling up" as I have not played RPG games before. I understand that Relic is coming out with a DOW RPG in 2011. Count me in!
* Tanks - finally! During the last mission, you control 2 different types of tanks. This was an awesome addition to the game. Lots of fun!
* Additional characters with new skills. Makes for some interesting fighting.
* How can you not take Davian Thule, the dread naught, on every mission especially if you're fighting the "pure" space marine way?
* You can take your skills and experience from DOW2 and roll over to this game or start with a default set of skills.

The BAD:
* Tanks - you only get them for one part of the last mission. I want more!
* Short - Campaign is too short. DOW2 had a nice rich campaign with numerous side missions. Disappointed there wasn't more missions.
* Like DOW2, you can't replay a successful mission. In COH, if you completed a great mission that was a lot of fun, you could play again. I would like to see the same for the DOW2 series. Even though you beat the mission, it would be nice to try it again maybe with a different set of characters or weapons.

If you liked DOW2, this is a must have. At least a double replay value as you must go both pure and evil.