I got it for my 9 year old, and I think that's the age group it will appeal to.

User Rating: 6 | Utsusu Made in Wario DS
Let's face it, this game is all about cashing in on the new DSi gimmick - the camera. Luckily, hopefully even, many of us who invested in the game will have only wasted half of our free DSiWare points (1000) that we received when we first connected our DSi's to the store. Others may have purchased the game, and perhaps their regret is bigger than ours.

I've got this on both of our DSi's. I've played it once; I lost interest after trying to set up the camera angle 'just right' and failing to do so in a most miserable fashion. My daughter, who is 9, on the other hand, has spent countless hours playing the game.

I'm giving this game a 6 because I think it does appeal to a certain age group and subset of adults. Those who enjoy watching themselves look like fools on camera will be in for a sure treat with WarioWare Snapped; and for this reason many many children will find it highly entertaining and you may find yourself forced to participate in a round of the game, just to keep said children amused with the action replay of your gaming antics (yes, it's truly humiliating).