WarioWare: Snapped! has some interesting controls, but it's lacking in games and the camera just doesn't work well.

User Rating: 4.5 | Utsusu Made in Wario DS
WarioWare: Snapped really tried. I mean, you can't really blam them for making this an express title, because that's really what the DSi service was made for, but at 500 points it IS a rip, and it should really have costed only 200 points. Nontheless, you still shoudln't have bought it then, because it's WAAAY too express and the camera controls are so terrible (I was on a brown backround and I'm white, but yet the camera still wouldn't detect me and I was in a FULLY LIT ROOM!), plus, it only has 15 singleplayer microgames and 5 multiplayer ones! Considering that the games last only 10 to 15 seconds, that's just ridiculous! I've spent a total acuumilative amount of time of 1 hour on this crap title playing the same games OVER AND OVER. They really shoudl've included more content, and yet, they were stupid and didn't. This shouldn't be THAT express! Plus, the graphics are just ugly at times, with the same colours being repeated over and over again.

Im the end, this game almost made it, and if it just had better camera controls and more microgames, it totally would've been worth it. The only real fun you'll get is the photos and stop-motion videos it takes of you while you're playing and looking like an idiot, but even THAT novelty wears off after about 25 minutes or so. SKIP THIS GAME, PLEASE JUST SKIP IT.