What can I say; Vin Diesel, cars, explosions.......I'm sold!

User Rating: 7 | Wheelman PS3
I've been looking forward to this game since in was announced. I'm a big fan of driving games and [while some may not agree] have always enjoyed Vin Diesel's films. So having a game like this was always going to have my interest.

Let me start by saying this game isn't GTA 4. It's not trying to be GTA 4. So comparing the two is pointless (why reviewers feel the need to compare any open world game with it, I'll never understand). Just because GTA put sandbox games into the mainstream, doesn't mean that any other sandbox game is trying to copy it. With that said, let us continue.

This game is all about the over-the-top driving. And it does this perfectly. Cars handle great, meaning you never have to worry about over-cooking (or under-cooking) a corner. That's not to say its boring or easy, but certainly makes it more pleasurable and less frustrating. The Airjacking and Vehicle Melee add the Hollywood touch that, while making the game a little unrealistic, sure as hell make it more fun than most driving games. Airjacking gives you the ability to jack another vehicle from your car without having to stop, in a similar style to Just Cause. Vehicle Melee makes you vehicle a weapon, giving you the ability to smash cars next to you. The car chases become frantic but it's nice to know you can fight back!

The graphics are good. Maybe not the best the console has seen but still respectable. Same with the audio. Works with the game but not memorable.

This game does have flaws. The story is weak, the AI needs some work and the on-foot sections date back to the Driver 3 age. You'll find yourself doing those missions just to process the story. Car damage could've been better. It's fairly limited. A Burnout Paradise style damage system could've worked well but alas, it wasn't to be.

To me, what this game set out to do was create a simple, fun, cinematic experience based around Vin Diesel driving. And at this it succeeds. It has flaws that might put people off (the on-foot sections being the biggest disappointment) and there are aspects of the game that could've been improved or polished. But it does what it says on the tin. Don't go into this expecting it to equal or surpass GTA 4. Its not trying to do that. If you want a GTA style game, buy GTA. If you want simple, car-based fun then you can't go wrong with Wheelman.