Nice Improvement

User Rating: 9 | Wii Fit Plus WII
If you want to get off the couch. Lose a little bit of calories and have some fun, this nice improvement over wii fit is well worth the buy. I lost around 15 lbs (190 to 175) over the course of 6 months just by using regular wii fit every other day for 20-30 minutes. This new version allows you to get more work in less time by allowing you the option to avoid the selection of each excercise individually and instead seleting custom work outs or creating your own routine. The addition of new yoga poses and strenght training excersises as well as many more mini games is a plus.

If you have not owned wii fit before i highly recommend you buy this if you are the least bit intersted in a "fun work out" . If you currently go the gym and work out every day for 1 hour +, do not expect this to replace it, however i can see this being a good enhancement via the yoga streches.